Monday, May 30, 2005

Virtual mystery guest blog - collaboration with students

This was an experimental, collaborative blog project with students from the University of Minsk and their English and ICT teacher Sergei Grid, another webhead who invited me to be their mystery guest. I posted some riddle-like information about my country and my life, and they made many guesses to find out something more specific; I think they may have had some hints from their teacher as I found it a bit challenging to find out what to tell and what not. After all, they was also a mystery to me, from the beginning. But we came to know each other better and better, and they were eager to write comments to me like interview questions.

The free and open conversation turned out to be successful and we decided to meet synchronously in my Elluminate office at Learning Times. They prepared a Virtual Potluck for this event, with student made PPT slides and oral presentations of Belarussian geography, education, art, traditions and their language in both Cyrillic and Latin letters. They had even prepared to sing a Belarussian folk song in choir, all ten of them, just for me! It was heart warming and made all of the volunteer hours spent on this worth while.

PS Yes, I know - the weekend workshop is over, I had mentioned this link in another message but wanted to have a more detailed description here in the Moodle, And I'll blog this mesage as well.

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