Friday, March 11, 2005

TLNCE 2000 Toronto: Emerging trends and needs

in 2000, I was invited to do a poster presentation together with Sylvia Currie from the Global Educators' network, for the TLNCE 2000 conference in Toronto, and I was lucky to get an internationalization grant from the Danish University of Education. TLNCE is for the Tele Learning Network Centres of Excellence, a Canadian state funded project under the direction of Linda Harasim , Lucio Teles (and others). Sylvia and I were collaborating online and met for the first time in the conference center when we were setting up our poster.

With Inspiration software, I created a mindmap, a diagram showing some trends in current e-learning, inspired by the ongoing moderated theme discussions taking place in the GEN, Global Educators' network.

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