Wednesday, August 04, 2010

focus + procrastination + serendipity

I found a very thought provoking blog post tonight, by Inge de Waard (who has an alter ego named Ignatia)

She writes: Luckily for me the combination of procrastination and serendipity resulted in a wonderful, unexpected answer to a question that has been on my mind lately. Currently I am dabbling with the idea of a PhD. Although my mind keeps telling me to go for it, it also tells me to keep in mind to make a difference and not to accept 'a regular one'.

This is just how I feel like, too. I came to this blog post in my typical way, just googling a set of terms that came to my mind with no special intention! Amazing how well these thoughts (by Ignatia) actually describes the ongoing learning process that I've been struggling with - for years it seem.

I'm on my way, somehow, to something similar that might as well be sort of an Open PhD. Would you like to know my search term combination? focus + procrastination + serenditpty :-) Yes, that's how my independent brain and imagination works. Too.

Tomorrow, I hope to follow up on this and investigate how Leigh Blackall (mentioned in the blog post above) handles this idea of an Open Education PhD...