Saturday, May 28, 2005

Blogpoly - the online board game of blogging!

Cool cool work by Littleoslo, a anonymous & genius web artist with a great idea for putting the most important tools and features related to blogging on one slate. Ideal for having fun while learning new stuff, or memorising known stuff.

Elderbob shared this link in our Blogging workshop at Knowplace, and I cannot wait to check it out more in detail.

1 comment:

littleoslo said...


I have done the fastfood chains version of Monopoly, I called it Foodpoly ( Foodopoly or Junkopoly, whatever you like.)

I hope you would also enjoy it as much as the Blogpoly I made earlier. This time, there is 7 versions of it, it covers different cities from London, Los Angeles , Bangkok, Sydney, Hong Kong, Taipei and Oslo.
