Sunday, November 11, 2007
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Virtual Field trip to Webheads in the English Village Online
Moira Hunter, web 2.0 expert language teacher, was a co-moderator in the Becoming a Webhead introductory course in the Electronic Village Online 2007. Moira has generously accepted our invitation to join our teleconference tonight for a group of interested participants from two online workshops, about Foundations of Communities of Practice, and Online Facilitation in Education. As a senior mentor on the Foundations workshop, I am preparing a short presentation with overview, and invited Moira to our conversation.
As our workshop discussion is happening behind intranet protection, I decided to open a public wikispace with the necessary information, for easy access from both workshops.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Quest Atlantis workshop
I just had this interesting message (read below) with an open invitation from Bronwyn Stuckey, and her request to forward the invitation to Webheads. Which I did of course at once, including the Electronic Village Online Gaming in ESL/EFL workshop. Will I have the resistance power to refuse this offer myself? I msut be aware that I do need time for getting things done immediately and without procrastinstion. But would this be right up my alley? Of course it would! I've known for years that Bron was involved in the Quest Atlantis project, and wanted to take a closer look.
Quest Atlantis (QA) is a learning and teaching project using a 3D multi-user environment to immerse children, ages 9-12, in rich educational tasks.
It is designed and managed by a team of educational innovators at Indiana University Centre for Research in Learning Technology lead by Assoc Prof Sasha Barab (and supported by NSF grant funds).
We will very soon begin training for teachers interested in implementing QA in their classrooms in 2007. The training will involve being online in QA for three weekly sessions (using a skypecast for audio dialog). The course is intended to get you up to speed with all the tools of QA and to register your class and make curriculum choices, such that you will be ready to teach in QA at the end of the three weeks. Two timezones are being offered and you should consider joining with a buddy teacher for local support. ...
Well - at least I feel sure that a few Webheads will feel a strong urge to join this, hopefully reporting back to HQ about their impressions!
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Second generation library
Today there was an opening session today on Library 2.0 in SL, announced at
While people were sitting neatly in world at the auditorium, almost not chatting in public, there was an audio interview streamed (outside of SL, at the Worldbridges channel). I may have missed a tour of the surroundings, but I took some nice snapshots of those sitting people apparently listening. And I took notes of their names, looking up the personal infos, as I knew literally nobody present (at least not from their play names
I'm a bit intrigued about the need for getting together in a hefty graphic 3D environment, just for listening to streaming audio; as far as I could see, nothing else was happening, Yes, we were virtually present, somehow. Interacting socially, apparently not much.
The event will repeat, or continue, tomorrow Sunday 21 at 3 pm PST /2300 GMT
But you will not find me among the silent listeners this time.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
2007 - and then what?
This year will bring more new Webheads activities and I hope to take part in some of these. However, time flies and I really need to focus on my Danish work projects at the moment. I've been working on a blog showing all of my virtual footprints, sort of a portfolio blog thing, in Danish. I made it at edublogs as we had a blogging project with about 300 Danish student teachers and their teachers getting into blogging, in December 06. My Footprint blog is supposed to be the most frequently updated - hopefully. Another initiative is the co-blog where I was generously invited jo join, by CVU Sonderjylland's social web innovators, Lis Faurholt and Hanne Soegaard. We started out with enthusiasm, but there has not been mucg activity lately, I'd better post a few thoughts and notes soon.
That was just for the update, will be back soon!