Sunday, June 25, 2006

Graph generated from Social blogging EVO workshop

The Collaborative or social blogging in language education workshop in the Electronic Online Village 06, run through as social clustering machine called websitegraph and suggested by Bee Dieu. . I am not sure what this graph is showing exactly - but it was quite fun to see it grow and unfold in a very organic manner

Speed of Creativity - an education podcaster

Weekly podcaster Wesley Fryer was a guest in Worldbridges Edtechtalk skypecast on June 13. of course he also blogged his experience. on this occasion, Wesley was connecting from a well working wifi at a motel far out somewhere in Texas. I do like his fresh narrative - almost like being present myself :-)

Moving at the Speed of Creativity” weekly podcasts - I'm going to subscribe and listen: I do like his view on education as I can read from his recent show notes

Sunday, June 18, 2006

La vida Barranquilla -blog from Columbia

La vida BarranquillaCheck out Erin's blog from Barranquilla, Atlantico, Columbia. She's teaching English language at the University of Cincinnnati - and took part in our Electronic Village Online workshop about social blogging this winter. Her photos are very inspiring, and so are her texts.

My Bubbleshare portfolio

Monday, June 05, 2006

Casting the Net Podcast

Casting the Net Podcast
Sean FitzGerald & Stephan Ridgway from the national Australian EDNA network. This podcast appears to be their annual, as they made one last year and then with a long,long break due to many tasks. Sean & Steph are promoting audio Odeo notes, and on their Blogger blog , they've included a direct button for delicious tagging. I've not yet listened to all of this podcast, but thought I like to explore & promote the easy going format using a standard blogger blog combined with Odeo audio comments.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Podcast: Absolutely Intercultural with a Nordic Voice approach

The bi-weekly Absolutely Intercultural Podcast hosted by Anne Fox has a Nordic voice approach with an opening song in Finnish, called Jakkalakkar, which loosely translates as “business Cockroaches”, available for free download at
Todays’ guest interview with Icelandic Gunnhildur Oskardottir who spent three years in Scotland, may reveal more abut her Icelandic culture that about Scotland. The AI blog has comments from listeners; one about an important book, The Nurture Assumption, from Lon, more about this at and from Paul we hear about the suggestion that culture may be programmed in as a template in the same way as many believe language is.
In Absolutely Theoretical, the Remagen station continues its discussion about the metaphor of culture as the software of the mind.

Absolutely Addictive: We finish with the Polar Bear podcast where you will always find out something new about Sweden in every episode. This extract comes from a special joint episode in March where Andy, the Polar Bear podcast host teamed up with Bruce of the Canadian Zedcast podcast and in which they compared notes about misconceptions about their respective countries.