Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Click TV - Immigrant life story from Shanghai to Vancouver


I found yet another new video sharing site called click.tv where video can be commented and shared in a blog. The very interesting clip that I've been viewing shows an immigrant history of daughter (born in 1973) and her parents coming from a catholic part of Shanghai to North America where they now live in Vancouver. It's well worth viewing and could be useful in an intercultural teaching context.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Will rapping - me blogging straight from my video page

Will rapping
Video sent by netopnyrop
This young Danish boy raps very fluently in his own home made language. Apparently he has been listening to rapping with a musical ear!

Joy of Life - spontaneous street dance

Joy of Life
Video sent by labelash
I like this manifestation of joy! A traditional jazz band playing in the street, on a public square, and then theis couple just jump into it! This reminds me so much of the yearly open air jazz festival in Copenhagen that we usually attend, in rain as well as in sunshine.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Kulturmøde: Danskere i Grønland

Anders og AC i Ilulissat2

AC er i praktik på en grønlandsk institution og blogger hjem til sine studiekammerater. Hun har sin partner Anders med deroppe, og de tager video som dokumentation, foreløbig er det blevet til to små klip.